Awards and Nominations

Award of Excellence in Costume Design

And Then There Were None - Beavercreek Community Theatre, Beavercreek, Ohio.

Daytony Awards 2018

Award of Excellence in Costume Design

Young Frankenstein - Beavercreek Community Theatre, Beavercreek, Ohio.

Daytony Awards 2018

Award of Merit in Costume Design

The Humans - Beavercreek Community Theatre, Beavercreek, Ohio.

Daytony Awards 2020

Award of Merit in Costume Design

Chicago - Springboro Community Theatre, Springboro, Ohio.

Daytony Awards 2020


Costume Design of the Decade

Chicago - Springboro Community Theatre, Springboro, Ohio. Reginal theatre awards 2020

Costume Design of the Decade

Guys and Dolls - Dare to Defy Productions, Dayton, Ohio. Reginal theatre awards 2020